Monday, May 19, 2008

Teachers dating parents?

I have just been asked out by the father of one of my students. It is almost the end of school and feel that it would be ok for me to date him. What are your opinions or experiences on this topic?


Waverley Parkerson said...

You are too funny. You are human and we all know that we can't help who it is we fall for. I believe that if you feel some kind of connection to this person, most definitely give it a shot. I know that we have talked about teaching being a lifestyle and all that, but hey...we need loving too :) Ha Ha. Really...give it a shot. Keep me posted on how it goes...I love this kind of stuff!

Megan said...

Thank you so much for responding and I will most definately give it a shot.

Sharon said...

I think if I were you I would wait until the end of the year maybe even next year. I know at my school everybody knows everybody because it is such a small town. Does this student have any brothers or sisters that you might have in the future? I'm not trying to discourage you, if you feel comfortable go ahead. I'm a very cautious person so I would just advise you to look at all the possibilities. Hope this helps you!

Jennifer said...

Wow! This is definitely an intersting topic. My advice would be to go into this date with extreme caution. If things don't work out, you don't want to end on a bad note. You can't help who you fall for, so go for it. Just be careful. I agree with Sharon. If the student has any younger brothers or sisters who you could potentially have, things could get a little weird.

Good luck. Let us know how it goes!!!

Gina said...

I personally think that maybe you should wait until school is out before you date the parent. That way you will not feel any emotional ties to your student other than in the classroom. Also, some of the students may give the parent's child a hard time at school about it. But look at the situation this way. You are pretty impressive to this parent or he would not be asking you on a date. I think you should go on a date with him as long as you feel he is trustworthy, kind, caring, and all the other mushy good stuff. It's almost like he is a contestant on American Idol. Should we as a group of teachers vote him "in" or "out"? Keep us posted. Good luck!

Jerome said...

i personally think that you should wait until the child is no longer in your classroom.My colleague shared his experience with me. He said that because of the relationship, this parent began to think that her child should be treated special. By special, I mean being excused from assignments or even punishments, given special privileges, being able to stay after school to avoid having to pay for latchkey and other things.When this did not happen, the parent- teacher relationship turned sour.My advice is to wait until the school year is over, like in the summer- That would work.

Father said...
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Father said...

Hmm... just curious but how did this turn out for you?

I am interested in my son's Kindergarten teacher but I havent even made any kind of move as I didnt want any kind of friction or ackwardness during the school year. However the school year is almost over and I am contemplating making my move...

Anonymous said...

I am also interested. I just started teaching a an high school and met a woman at the grocery store who turned out to be the mother of one of my students. I would very much like to date the mother and others have noticed the sparks between us - and the daughter is going to take her time graduating so I am likely to have her in my class for the next three or so years. If the economy was better, I would quit and teach for another school just to date this woman.

What are the thoughts of others about this?

ps because it is high school, I currently only have the student for one hour four days a week, but I teach a subject that will require the student to participate in my classes all the way through senior year.

Unknown said...

my friends is dating a teacher from his son school but he is still married but they havent been together for 3 years. well the question is can the teacher get fired for dating the father that she did not know was married